Medial Luxating Patella

Medial Luxating Patella

Medial Luxating Patella (MLP) Treatment in Melbourne

At our Melbourne-based clinic, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Medial Luxating Patella (MLP), a common condition affecting the knees of dogs. With over a decade of experience, we provide comprehensive care to ensure the best outcomes for your pet.

Diagnosis Methods

To accurately diagnose MLP, we use a combination of methods:

  • Physical Examination: Our veterinarians perform a detailed physical examination, focusing on the knees to assess any signs of MLP.
  • X-rays: We use X-rays to determine the severity of the patella’s displacement and to check for any associated bone or joint abnormalities.
  • Gait Analysis: Observing your pet’s walk and run helps us assess the functional impact of the MLP.

Treatment Options

Treatment for MLP varies depending on the severity of the condition:

  • Conservative Management: For mild cases, we may recommend weight management, physiotherapy, and anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Surgical Intervention: In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to realign the patella and stabilize the knee joint.


The cost of MLP treatment can vary:

  • Non-Surgical Treatment: This includes ongoing management costs such as medication and physiotherapy.
  • Surgical Treatment: Costs depend on the complexity of the surgery and any additional care required.

Payment Options

We understand the financial aspect of pet care and offer various payment options for MLP treatment:

  • GapOnly: An option allowing you to pay only the gap amount not covered by your pet insurance.
  • VetPay: A financing solution designed to help you pay for veterinary expenses without the upfront burden.
  • Zip Money: Flexible payment plans that allow you to pay over time, interest-free for a specific period.


Post-treatment, aftercare is crucial for recovery:

  • Post-Operative Care: If surgery is performed, we provide detailed instructions for at-home care.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups to monitor your pet’s recovery and adjust treatment as needed.
  • Rehabilitation: Guidance on rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the knee joint and improve mobility.